The Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia website

With great sense of responsibility and pride we have developed design and content architecture for The Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia, paying huge attention to user experience (UX).
During the first phase we split all website users into five groups, characterized by frequency of visits, goals, needs and purpose of visit. We organised interviews and card sorting exercises with members of each group to make sure information is presented in correct way. Amount of the content can be better described by 61 sorting card that were used for tests (each one corresponds to a web portal section). While developing content structure and naming sections, we incorporated terms used by target groups during the interviews.
Based on created user tasks, content for longer processes were split in steps. Using this approach user can get more accurate information and have a transparent overview. Keeping in mind that for some tasks users are extensively using mobile devices, we had to make sure every content piece is displayed properly on smaller screens.
After testing prototypes with real users, we handed over our part of UX research and graphic design to the client and procurement process for technical development was announced. Total of 85 wireframes (both mobile and desktop) were created as well as 128 design files. To ensure that development went as expected, we conducted a design audit before the launch.

On the first months after the launch, client service received positive feedback from users and observed fall in the number of helpline calls. We appreciate that people with little previous experience has recognized the new design and content structure.
The Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia takes care of more than 200 000 Latvian enterprises and organisations on a daily basis including establishment of companies, the change of officials or closure.